One Hot Pink Sassy-Molassy Skirt - Done and done. Then she wore it to church this morning, naturally!
Sassy for Jesus |
Money Spent = $0.00
Materials Used:
- Pink satin from a thrift store purchase about a year ago.
- Grommet tape -
no idea where I got this or why I have it.
- Bias Tape, elastic and thread from my late Grammy's 'sewing inheritance'. Thanks Grammy!!
- Ribbon from my gift wrapping supplies
- and my favorite: pink netting from a laundry bag I cut up a year ago to make a bag for my daughter's swimming stuff! (It's one of those things you feel foolish for keeping in your 'you-never-know-I-might- use-it-someday' stash... HA!! I used it!! ) Kind of a victory for fabric-hoarding-justification-making sewers everywhere...
*I also know that JOY - JOY JENKINSON (I'm pointing at you!!) has also completed a project - and while I won't steal her thunder and give away the surprise, I
will say, it's amazing... wouldn't have expected any less...*
Now I'm on to making some sweet skateboard shorts for my little man! Tally Ho!!
- Amanda