My dear Sally (which is my viking machine), I can't seem to coax her to work. I pay her nothing, ask her to do unreasonable things, flip her switches and push all her buttons, and now my abuse has come back to bite me. Her needle is in the down position and that is that. I can't get it to move one iota. So things came to a screaming halt for a while there in January, but please note that I did get much done. Tons of knitting, a Waldorf doll, Jedi robe, a skirt for R, and started 3 rugs. So at least I wasn't a bump on a log. I'm on my second borrowed machine now, this one is named Janice, from Amanda (Thanks Amanda!). Imagine her (Janice that is, not Amanda) as having blue eyeshadow a gold jumpsuit and glitter in her hair, but the good thing is that the ol girl works. THANK GOODNESS!
So as for this month I have made 1 sling purse for my Supplier. $0

And finished one for myself $0

4 little star Waldorf dolls

I would love to make this dress for R but I might be going overboard on that one…we'll see.

As for poor Sally, I can't say I know when she will be going back to the shop, but I am very thankful for Miss Janice ;)